How to get rid of papillomas at home

how to get rid of papillomas using folk methods

Papilloma is not just a growth in the body, by the way, it is a virus found in the blood of about 20% of our planet. When your immunity is weakened, if you have this virus, the papillomas will start to pop out immediately! Let's talk about ways to get rid of such neoplasms on the body.

Papillomas usually occur in areas where a person sweats the most. They are harmless on their own, but cause aesthetic discomfort. However, there are some papilloma viruses that can turn into a malignant tumor.

Why do papillomas occur?

There are several reasons for this:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • is ​​taking antibiotics;
  • infectious diseases.

In medical institutions, papillomas are removed by laser or surgery. Procedures are paid and cost about 400 rubles for a small education abolition.

How to remove papillomas at home?


This is the most economical and efficient way. Wet a cotton pad with 3% peroxide, apply to the formation and fix with a plaster. You need to compress every 3 hours.

Essential oils

Does not like papilloma, eucalyptus and tea tree oils. Gently moisten the growth without touching the skin with a cotton swab dipped in oil.


0. 5 pour 100 g of celandine powder with 5 l of 70% alcohol, leave for 14 days, strain and take 15 drops orally before meals. You can prepare the oil for external use. Just fill 100 g of celandine with sunflower oil and lubricate the papillomas 2 times a day, after the remedy has been infused for 10 days. Celandine cream is also effective in treatment. Combine 100 g of powder with 200 g of baby cream. Treat papillomas 3-4 times a day.


Crush 50 g of garlic, add 100 g of baby cream. Moisten cotton wool with this cream and apply to papillomas, fix the compress with a plaster. You must reuse the product every 3 hours.


Pour 50 g of chopped walnut leaves into a thermos, pour 1 tablespoon. boiling water. Insist a day for the remedy, lubricate the papillomas 6 times a day. The ground hazelnuts of four green walnuts should be crushed and mixed with kerosene to reach a mushy consistency. The agent is applied to the formations 2-3 times a day and left for half an hour.

Chicken Egg

Surprisingly, the protein and shell of a chicken egg contain ingredients that help stop the development of papillomas.

You can put two eggshells in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for 4 minutes. After that it needs to be cooled and pulverized. The tool is used simply, sprinkle the papilloma with powder and fix it with a plaster. This bandage should be worn for 3 days. Then replace it with a new one. If you decide to use protein, you must do the following. Rub the protein onto the papilloma until it dries, then apply a second coat. Let the representative work for 3 hours. You need to be treated for 5-6 days.

It is worth considering that papillomas can lead to autoinfections: you cannot remove the growths on the neck and face on your own. HPV is transmitted by contact.

Remember that treatment with traditional medicine can only be done after consulting a specialist! This is necessary to prevent serious complications!